Training (third year)

A.Y. 2020/2021
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The Course aims to give the student his final preparation to work environment, through a depth experience in Conventional Radiology, plus the chance to practice on Computed Tomography, Interventional Radiology and Mammography. The student traineeship will also be focused on Radiotherapy, where the student will get familiar with the oncological patient and with the main radiotherapic treatment procedures, and and Nuclear Medicine (gamma camera, PET, Hot lab).
Expected learning outcomes
At the end, students must:
- know how to apply the protocols of investigation in Traditional Radiology, in standard or emergency situations, and know how to adapt them to non-conventional situations in order to get a proper iconographic result
- know how to apply the MRI diagnostic protocols
- know how to verify the technical quality of an MRI image
- know how to manage patient, equipment and devices in Interventional Radiology
- know how to apply the diagnostic protocols in Senology
- know how to assess the technical quality of a Senology examination
- know how to apply the radiation protection principles in Radiotherapy
- know how to read and delivery a treatment plan in Radiotherapy
- know how to work with in team for simulation procedures in Radiotherapy
- equipment management in Nuclear Medicine
- application of diagnostic protocols in Nuclear Medicine
- hot lab procedures
- use of PET Scanner
- tutorials about quality control procedures
- know how to relate to the patient in different possible situations during daily work.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Didactic methods.
The students, according to pre-established shifts, will carry out practical activities at the affiliated hospitals. If the epidemiological situation were to worsen, part of the internship will be carried out online, as per the resolution of the Interdepartmental Didactic Board. Any teaching materials will be uploaded to the Microsoft Teams platform. Lessons may also include pre-recorded materials.
Program and reference material.
The program and reference material will not change. The teaching material (slides displayed during the lectures) will be available on the Micrsoft Teams platform dedicated to teaching.
Methods for verifying learning and evaluation criteria.
The exam will take place orally and in the presence or in the event of a worsening of the epidemiological situation, the Microsoft Teams platform will be used. In this case the duration of the test will be about 20 minutes.
The examination, in particular, will be aimed at:
- ascertain the achievement of the objectives in terms of knowledge and understanding;
- ascertain the ability to apply knowledge and understanding and verify the autonomy of judgment through the discussion of the topics covered by the course;
- verify the student's autonomy of judgment also through the analysis of cases discussed during the course or mentioned in the textbooks;
- ascertain the mastery of the specific language of radiological sciences and the ability to present the topics in a clear and logical way, with the necessary links to the content of other courses of the Degree Course.
Course syllabus
In-depth knowledge of the contents of the 1st and 2nd year traininig program.
Knowledge and application of Nuclear Medicine imaging techniques.
Knowledge and application of the general principles of radiometabolic therapy.
Knowledge and application of the skills related to radiotherapy and brachytherapy treatments.
Prerequisites for admission
Full knowledge of the courses of "Morphological and functional basis of life", "Radiobiology and radioprotection", "Conventional radiology: Imaging and techniques", "Computed Tomography: Techniques", "Contrast radiology: techniques", "Magnetic Resonance: Techniques" and "Neuroradiology and Interventional Radiology: Techniques", "Radiotherapy" and "Nuclear Medicine".
Teaching methods
The Internship is a teaching activity, during which student works under the direct control of a Professional Tutor coordinated by the Director of Professional Activities of the Degree Course.
Teaching Resources
PASSARIELLO: Elementi di tecnica radiologica e diagnostica per immagini
Assessment methods and Criteria
Execution of practical activities and operating procedures to simulate the activity carried out at a professional level.
At the end of each year the technical and practical skills, acquired during the professionalizing internship, are subject to evaluation and formalization with a vote by the Director of professional activities in collaboration with Professional Tutors.
The vote is expressed in 30 marks.
The booking on the UNIMIA portal, within the dates established for each appeal, is mandatory for the examination.
Practicals - Exercises: 550 hours