Personnel Economics and Hr Metrics

A.Y. 2020/2021
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The objective of the course is, first of all, to familiarize students with economic analysis of central topics in human resource management imperfect labor market. The student will learn to use tools and concepts of economics to analyze human resource management decision problems when firm and HR managers act in highly regulated labor markets.
Moreover, since the impact of digital technologies on HR systems has increased human connectivity and thereby transformed the dynamics of social networks, the capability of conducting Social Network Analysis (SNA) is becoming a critical competence of HRM for efficiently detecting critical connections and understanding the informal hierarchies within an organization. Therefore, another objective of the course is to familiarize the students with the theory, methodology and research associated with SNA in organizational contexts. Students will develop an in-depth understanding of how HR analytics function can use SNA to help improve operational effectiveness.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
1.use Economics for analysing human resources management issues, with particular attention to optimal compensation and recruitment practices. an incentive wage policy.
3. Understand the basic notations and terminology used in network science
4.Discuss the main theories that underlie the social network perspective
5.Visualize, summarize, and compare networks
6.Collect, assemble, and analyze network data
7.Perform basic network analysis in R programming Language
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Third trimester
Lectures and exercises will be held online via MICROSOFT TEAMS channel in synchronous mode, following the official schedule.
During the synchronous classes, students will be connected, and they can interact with the professor. Each class will be recorded and later available on ARIEL.
The program will be the same as written in the syllabus.
Updates, details, and further information will be available on ARIEL.
Course syllabus
Module 1 - Personnel Economics (40 h - second trimester):
Topics include: Introduction to personnel economics in an imperfect labor market; optimal skill /ratio decision, hours/employment trade-off; temporary vs permanent employment; recruiting; optimal compensation scheme; pay for performance scheme; training and human capital investment; optimal separation policy.
Module 2 - HR metrics (20 h - third trimester)
During this module, the following topics will be analyzed: a) the relevance of SNA in contemporary social science research, and particularly, in organization science research; b) basic concepts in SNA and graph theory; c) social network methods and data collection; d) the strength of weak ties vs. strong ties perspective of social capital; e) intra-organizational social/relational capital and its impact on individual performance; f) advanced centrality measures (closeness and betweenness centrality) and structural holes; g) antecedents of network variables.
This module refers to the program of the module "Analytics" of the Digital HR and Analytics course.
Prerequisites for admission
Preliminary knowledge in microeconomics is recommended.
Teaching methods
Module 1 - Personnel Economics (40 h): lectures and exercises
Module 2 - HR metrics (20h): During the course, a number of selected academic articles will be reviewed and discussed in the classes. From a technical point of view, the students will familiarize with the standard tools applied in SNA by using the R software package.
Teaching Resources
Module 1 - Personnel Economics (40 h):
Pietro Garibaldi. Personnel Economics in Imperfect Labour Markets . Oxford University Press

Module 2 - HR metrics (20 h)
A list of references and recommended further reading to enable the students to gain a deeper awareness and understanding of each topic will be provided at the beginning of the course.
For 2nd year MLS students, the HR Metrics module (20h) of Personnel Economics & HR Metrics course refers to the program of the module "Analytics" of the Digital HR and Analytics course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Module 1 - Personnel Economics (40 h): The final exam is WRITTEN. It lasts 90 minutes.

Module HR metrics (20 h):
1) On-class discussions and exercises (10%)
2) Teamwork project where students should collect, analyze and interpret network data (30%)
3) The Final Exam will be based on a written test with both multiple and open questions (60%).

The final mark will be the weighted average between the Personnel Economics exam (2/3) and the HR metrics exam (1/3).
SECS-P/01 - ECONOMICS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 60 hours
Professors: Lazazzara Alessandra, Maida Agata, Nedkovski Vojkan