Law and Management of Human Resources in Companies in the Health Sector

A.Y. 2020/2021
Overall hours
IUS/07 SECS-P/10
Learning objectives
Expected learning outcomes
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Teaching methods
The lectures can be held alternately, due to the emergency and regulatory provisions:
· face-to-face in the classroom, with synchronous streaming and asynchronously as they will be recorded and uploaded on the Ariel platform.
· on the Microsoft Teams platform both synchronously (on the basis of the timetable of the third quarter) and asynchronously as they will be recorded and uploaded on the same platform.

Program and reference material
The contents and reference material will not be changed.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written exams can be held alternately, due to the emergency and regulatory provisions:
· in the classroom;
· via computer-based written exam platforms ( + seb + zoom, or moodle + seb + zoom, or moodle + e-proctoring systems).
Group or individual work will be carried out remotely and sent to the instructors. The presentations can be held alternately, due to the emergency and regulatory provisions:
· in the classroom;
· via the Microsoft Teams platform.
Prerequisites for admission
Assessment methods and Criteria
The acquisition of the learning outcomes by the students will be ascertained through an oral exam with a 30-point evaluation scale. The assessment criteria will take into account the correctness of the content, the clarity of the argumentation and the critical analysis and re-elaboration capacity.
Labour law
Course syllabus
- Course Introduction;
- Law Sources in private and public sector employment;
- Constitutional principles;
- Protected interests;
- Organization and employment in the public and private sectors;
- Legal developments in the health sector;
- Article 39 of the Italian Constitution and freedom of union organization;
- Collective Labour Righs;
- Representation and Representativeness in the public and private sectors;
- Collective Bargaining in the private and public sectors;
- Collective Bargaining and Collective Labour Rights;
- Negotiability of managerial prerogatives;
- Strike regulation;
- The regulation of strike in essential public sector services;
- Employment and Self-Employment;
- The principles in matter of personnel hiring in the public and service sectors;
- Personnel mobility;
- Permanent hiring of temporary workers;
- Flexible working arrangements;
- Power of direction, power of monitoring and disciplinary power;
- Job tasks and assignments;
- Health and safety at the workplace;
- Working Time;
- Wage;
- Contract Suspension;
- Dismissal regulation;
- Performance Evaluation.

For further info on the Course program see
Teaching methods
The lectures will be supplemented by the analysis of significant judgments issued by the Constitution Court, by the Cassation Court and by the Italian Merit Courts on the most controversial and debated labour law matters concerning health-care and health sector employment.
Teaching Resources
The Instructors will provide the students with the materials aimed at supporting the comprehension of the Course content on the dedicated Page on ARIEL:
Organization studies
Course syllabus
- The evolution of organizational theory and design
- The relation between environment and organization theory and design
- The relation between strategy and organization theory and design
- The relation between technology and organization theory and design
- Organizational structure types: simple, functional, modified functional, divisional, matrix
- Integration mechanisms
- Micro design and job analysis
- Coordinating roles: management & leadership
- Emerging models

Further details are available on
Teaching methods
Use of case studies and teamwork
Teaching Resources
Gli studenti, frequentanti e non, sono tenuti a preparare l'esame su questo testo: F. Buonocore, F. Montanari, L. Solari, OrganizzAzione aziendale, Isedi, 2020
Il docente metterà a disposizione degli studenti sul sito internet, nella parte dedicata all'insegnamento, il materiale di supporto utile alla comprensione degli argomenti trattati.
Labour law
IUS/07 - LABOUR LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Organization studies
Lessons: 40 hours
Professors: Savoia Silvio, Solari Luca
To meet me send an email to [email protected]
Room #16 Department of Social and Political Sciences