Italian Literature
A.Y. 2020/2021
Learning objectives
By the end of the course the student will have gained knowledge of the fundamental aspects and issues of Italian literature from its origins to the early nineteenth century, with a particular focus on the relationship between Italian literature and the political and cultural history of our country, also within the variety of geographical expressions found throughout the peninsula. The student will then be able to place genres, themes, poetics, authors and works against the background of the historical context, according to a correct periodization, and will have to become familiar with the tools (metric elements, rhetoric, theory of styles and narratology) and methodologies that allow them to analyze and interpret the texts, taking into account the modalities in their transmission and the main issues related to their philological definition
Expected learning outcomes
Among the skills that the student will have to acquire will include the ability to understand literary texts; correctly grasp their thematic and formal aspects; place them in their respective contexts; read and understand contributions of literary nonfiction, focusing on critical and interpretive issues; communicate with clarity and fairness in oral and written exposition, making appropriate use of the lexicon of the discipline. These skills will be acquired through a direct and continuous meeting with the instructor in the classroom. Participation in meetings and seminars organized within the Department of Literature, Philology and Linguistics will also be of great importance. Students opting not to attend the lessons will be able to make use of the educational tools provided by the instructor on Ariel, in addition to procuring the material expressly indicated within the program or eventually put on Ariel, must contact the instructor preferably during office hours.
Lesson period: Activity scheduled over several sessions (see Course syllabus and organization section for more detailed information).
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Lesson period
Second semester
All lessons will be held online.
All lessons, including synchronous lessons, will be recorded and made available on the Ariel website of the course.
All lessons can be downloaded or will take place at the time scheduled for lessons in attendance.
Students will be able to find all the information to access the lessons (links etc.) and any notices on the Ariel teaching site.
There will be no difference between attending and non-attending students.
The first lesson will take place in synchronous mode, through the Microsoft Teams platform, and will be dedicated to explaining the objectives and the method adopted in teaching, to illustrate the reference material for the preparation of the exam, the way the exam is conducted and the evaluation criteria, giving students the opportunity to ask questions about it.
The following lessons will alternate between asynchronous (prevailing) and synchronous modes.
The asynchronous lessons will consist of video lectures accessible through Ariel (in the "Videolezioni" section), which will illustrate the topics covered on the basis of PowerPoint that will be made available independently always on Ariel (in the "Teaching Materials" section). The lessons in synchronous mode will take place on Microsoft Teams and will take place approximately every three to four asynchronous lessons: on these occasions there will be a particular space for the analysis of texts or excerpts considered exemplary; these texts will be indicated first to the students, possibly providing useful materials for their critical examination; it will be possible to conduct a lesson that will contain both a part of frontal teaching and a part of interaction and comparison with the students.
During the course, students can also use the Forum on the Ariel site of the course to ask for clarifications.
The reference material (bibliography etc.) will not be modified.
If it is not possible to take the exam in the manner provided for in the Syllabus, the exam will take place in telematic form in the manner that will be communicated on the Ariel site of the course at the end of the course.
All lessons, including synchronous lessons, will be recorded and made available on the Ariel website of the course.
All lessons can be downloaded or will take place at the time scheduled for lessons in attendance.
Students will be able to find all the information to access the lessons (links etc.) and any notices on the Ariel teaching site.
There will be no difference between attending and non-attending students.
The first lesson will take place in synchronous mode, through the Microsoft Teams platform, and will be dedicated to explaining the objectives and the method adopted in teaching, to illustrate the reference material for the preparation of the exam, the way the exam is conducted and the evaluation criteria, giving students the opportunity to ask questions about it.
The following lessons will alternate between asynchronous (prevailing) and synchronous modes.
The asynchronous lessons will consist of video lectures accessible through Ariel (in the "Videolezioni" section), which will illustrate the topics covered on the basis of PowerPoint that will be made available independently always on Ariel (in the "Teaching Materials" section). The lessons in synchronous mode will take place on Microsoft Teams and will take place approximately every three to four asynchronous lessons: on these occasions there will be a particular space for the analysis of texts or excerpts considered exemplary; these texts will be indicated first to the students, possibly providing useful materials for their critical examination; it will be possible to conduct a lesson that will contain both a part of frontal teaching and a part of interaction and comparison with the students.
During the course, students can also use the Forum on the Ariel site of the course to ask for clarifications.
The reference material (bibliography etc.) will not be modified.
If it is not possible to take the exam in the manner provided for in the Syllabus, the exam will take place in telematic form in the manner that will be communicated on the Ariel site of the course at the end of the course.
Course syllabus
Course title: The Italian literary civilization: textual and historical-critical paths
Part A: From the Origins to the fifteenth/sixteenth Century: textual paths (the main works on which the study should focus are indicated in brackets):
- the poetry of the thirteenth century from the Sicilian School to the dolce stil novo;
- Dante (Rime, Vita nova and Commedia);
- Petrarch (Canzoniere);
- Boccaccio (Decameron)
- the literature of the fifteenth century: humanism, the Florence of Lorenzo de' Medici and Poliziano, Boiardo (Orlando innamorato);
- Bembo (Prose della vulgar lingua) and petrarchism;
- Castiglione (Il cortegiano) and the treatises of behavior.
Part B: From the sixteenth century to the early nineteenth century: textual paths (the main works on which the study should focus are indicated in brackets):
- Guicciardini (Ricordi and Storia d'Italia);
- Ariosto (Orlando furioso);
- Tasso (Gerusalemme liberata);
- the poetry of Baroque (Adone of Marino);
- Galileo and the scientific revolution (Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi);
- the Lombard Enlightenment and Parini (Dei delitti e delle pene; Il Giorno);
- Foscolo (Le ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis and Dei sepolcri);
- Leopardi (Canti and Operette morali);
- Manzoni (Adelchi and Promessi sposi).
Part C: The literary and political work of Machiavelli.
Part A: From the Origins to the fifteenth/sixteenth Century: textual paths (the main works on which the study should focus are indicated in brackets):
- the poetry of the thirteenth century from the Sicilian School to the dolce stil novo;
- Dante (Rime, Vita nova and Commedia);
- Petrarch (Canzoniere);
- Boccaccio (Decameron)
- the literature of the fifteenth century: humanism, the Florence of Lorenzo de' Medici and Poliziano, Boiardo (Orlando innamorato);
- Bembo (Prose della vulgar lingua) and petrarchism;
- Castiglione (Il cortegiano) and the treatises of behavior.
Part B: From the sixteenth century to the early nineteenth century: textual paths (the main works on which the study should focus are indicated in brackets):
- Guicciardini (Ricordi and Storia d'Italia);
- Ariosto (Orlando furioso);
- Tasso (Gerusalemme liberata);
- the poetry of Baroque (Adone of Marino);
- Galileo and the scientific revolution (Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi);
- the Lombard Enlightenment and Parini (Dei delitti e delle pene; Il Giorno);
- Foscolo (Le ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis and Dei sepolcri);
- Leopardi (Canti and Operette morali);
- Manzoni (Adelchi and Promessi sposi).
Part C: The literary and political work of Machiavelli.
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific requirements different from those requested for the degree admission.
Teaching methods
Attendance to classes is strongly recommended although not compulsory. The teaching is delivered through frontal lectures aimed primarily at the acquisition of knowledge, competence and specific language of the subject. Discussion with the teacher in the classroom is integrant part of the didactic method and aims at promoting a critical attitude and the capacity to apply the acquired competence and knowledge.
Also thanks to slide projections, lessons will focus on movements, authors and works and their cultural context; on the main critical problems of each topic, through quotations from critical essays and comparisons among different critical views; on tradition and reception of works and texts; on their most interesting formal aspects. All the materials will be available on ARIEL.
Analysis of the texts will start from the undestanding of their meaning, paying attention to the most important differences in interpretation, and will consider the prominent cultural and formal elements.
Part C will allow students to look at Machiavelli's works in the light of the historical context and the literary and philosphical tradition.
By using the booklet and anthology of Machiavelli's works students will become acquainted with commentaries on literary texts. Reading the book on Machiavelli will allow students to address some major critical issues posed by his work.
Non-attending students must use the materials expressly indicated in this program and will have to ask the teacher for advice either by e-mail or during office hours.
Also thanks to slide projections, lessons will focus on movements, authors and works and their cultural context; on the main critical problems of each topic, through quotations from critical essays and comparisons among different critical views; on tradition and reception of works and texts; on their most interesting formal aspects. All the materials will be available on ARIEL.
Analysis of the texts will start from the undestanding of their meaning, paying attention to the most important differences in interpretation, and will consider the prominent cultural and formal elements.
Part C will allow students to look at Machiavelli's works in the light of the historical context and the literary and philosphical tradition.
By using the booklet and anthology of Machiavelli's works students will become acquainted with commentaries on literary texts. Reading the book on Machiavelli will allow students to address some major critical issues posed by his work.
Non-attending students must use the materials expressly indicated in this program and will have to ask the teacher for advice either by e-mail or during office hours.
Teaching Resources
Attending students:
Programme for 6 cfu:
Knowledge of the topics taught in lectures (parts A and C or B and C), with the related texts.
As for part A or B students must prepare subjects and texts thanks to a manual of their choice and to a booklet on sale at Cortina bookshop. Some manuals and anthologies are suggested here below:
- Giulio Ferroni, Profilo storico della letteratura italiana, Einaudi;
- Giancarlo Alfano, Paola Italia, Emilio Russo, Franco Tomasi, Letteratura italiana. Manuale per studi universitari, Mondadori Università;
- Letteratura italiana, ed. by Andrea Battistini, il Mulino;
- Hermann Grosser, Il canone letterario, Principato;
- Claudio Marazzini, Simone Fornara, Dove 'l sì suona, Loescher;
- Claudio Giunta, Cuori intelligenti, DeAgostini-Garzanti (Blue edition);
- Corrado Bologna, Rosa fresca aulentissima, Loescher.
At the end of parts A and B students will find on ARIEL a detailed list of subjects and texts to be prepared.
For part C the student will have to use and prepare:
- All texts and apparatus included in Gian Mario Anselmi - Nicola Bonazzi, Niccolò Machiavelli, Mondadori University, 250 pp. (text also available in digital format);
- any other texts of Machiavelli's works that will be explained in class and that will be made available;
- the notes of the lessons;
- the following chapters and pages in Machiavelli, edited by Emanuele Cutinelli-Rendina and Raffaele Ruggiero, Carocci: cap. "Tra Firenze e l'Europa: i tempi e la vita di Niccolò Machiavelli", pp. 17-43; cap. 1, "Attività diplomatica e scritti politici fino al 1512", pp. 47-69; chap. 7, "Lingua e stile", pp. 185-201; chap. 9, "Umori" e "tumulti", pp. 225-243; chap. 10, "Machiavelli e la questione della guerra", pp. 245-264; chap. 11, "La religione", pp. 265-283.
Programme for 9 cfu:
Knowledge of the topics taught in lectures (parts A, B and C) with the related texts.
As for parts A and B students must prepare subjects and texts thanks to a manual of their choice and to a booklet on sale at Cortina bookshop. Some manuals and anthologies are suggested here below:
- Giulio Ferroni, Profilo storico della letteratura italiana, Einaudi;
- Giancarlo Alfano, Paola Italia, Emilio Russo, Franco Tomasi, Letteratura italiana. Manuale per studi universitari, Mondadori Università;
- Letteratura italiana, ed. by Andrea Battistini, il Mulino;
- Hermann Grosser, Il canone letterario, Principato;
- Claudio Marazzini, Simone Fornara, Dove 'l sì suona, Loescher;
- Claudio Giunta, Cuori intelligenti, DeAgostini-Garzanti (Blue edition);
- Corrado Bologna, Rosa fresca aulentissima, Loescher.
At the end of parts A and B students will find on ARIEL a detailed list of subjects and texts to be prepared.
For part C the student will have to use and prepare:
- All texts and apparatus included in Gian Mario Anselmi - Nicola Bonazzi, Niccolò Machiavelli, Mondadori University, 250 pp. (text also available in digital format);
- any other texts of Machiavelli's works that will be explained in class and that will be made available;
- the notes of the lessons;
- the following chapters and pages in Machiavelli, edited by Emanuele Cutinelli-Rendina and Raffaele Ruggiero, Carocci: cap. "Tra Firenze e l'Europa: i tempi e la vita di Niccolò Machiavelli", pp. 17-43; cap. 1, "Attività diplomatica e scritti politici fino al 1512", pp. 47-69; chap. 7, "Lingua e stile", pp. 185-201; chap. 9, "Umori" e "tumulti", pp. 225-243; chap. 10, "Machiavelli e la questione della guerra", pp. 245-264; chap. 11, "La religione", pp. 265-283.
Non-attending students:
Programme for 6 cfu:
Knowledge of the topics taught in lectures (parts A and C or B and C), with the related texts. At the end of parts A and B students will find on ARIEL a detailed list of subjects and texts to be prepared.
As for part A or B students must prepare subjects and texts thanks to a manual of their choice and to a booklet on sale at Cortina bookshop. Some manuals and anthologies are suggested here below:
- Giulio Ferroni, Profilo storico della letteratura italiana, Einaudi;
- Giancarlo Alfano, Paola Italia, Emilio Russo, Franco Tomasi, Letteratura italiana. Manuale per studi universitari, Mondadori Università;
- Letteratura italiana, ed. by Andrea Battistini, il Mulino;
- Hermann Grosser, Il canone letterario, Principato;
- Claudio Marazzini, Simone Fornara, Dove 'l sì suona, Loescher;
- Claudio Giunta, Cuori intelligenti, DeAgostini-Garzanti (Blue edition);
- Corrado Bologna, Rosa fresca aulentissima, Loescher.
For part C the student will have to use and prepare:
- All texts and apparatus included in Gian Mario Anselmi - Nicola Bonazzi, Niccolò Machiavelli, Mondadori University, 250 pp. (text also available in digital format);
- any other texts of Machiavelli's works that will be explained in class and that will be made available;
- the notes of the lessons;
- the following chapters and pages in Machiavelli, edited by Emanuele Cutinelli-Rendina and Raffaele Ruggiero, Carocci: cap. "Tra Firenze e l'Europa: i tempi e la vita di Niccolò Machiavelli", pp. 17-43; cap. 1, "Attività diplomatica e scritti politici fino al 1512", pp. 47-69; chap. 7, "Lingua e stile", pp. 185-201; chap. 9, "Umori" e "tumulti", pp. 225-243; chap. 10, "Machiavelli e la questione della guerra", pp. 245-264; chap. 11, "La religione", pp. 265-283.
Programme for 9 cfu:
Knowledge of the topics taught in lectures (parts A, B and C). At the end of parts A and B students will find on ARIEL a detailed list of subjects and texts to be prepared.
As for parts A and B students must prepare subjects and texts thanks to a manual of their choice and to a booklet on sale at Cortina bookshop.
Some manuals and anthologies are suggested here below:
- Giulio Ferroni, Profilo storico della letteratura italiana, Einaudi;
- Giancarlo Alfano, Paola Italia, Emilio Russo, Franco Tomasi, Letteratura italiana. Manuale per studi universitari, Mondadori Università;
- Letteratura italiana, ed. by Andrea Battistini, il Mulino;
- Hermann Grosser, Il canone letterario, Principato;
- Claudio Marazzini, Simone Fornara, Dove 'l sì suona, Loescher;
- Claudio Giunta, Cuori intelligenti, DeAgostini-Garzanti (Blue edition);
- Corrado Bologna, Rosa fresca aulentissima, Loescher.
For part C the student will have to use and prepare:
- All texts and apparatus included in Gian Mario Anselmi - Nicola Bonazzi, Niccolò Machiavelli, Mondadori University, 250 pp. (text also available in digital format);
- any other texts of Machiavelli's works that will be explained in class and that will be made available;
- the notes of the lessons;
- the following chapters and pages in Machiavelli, edited by Emanuele Cutinelli-Rendina and Raffaele Ruggiero, Carocci: cap. "Tra Firenze e l'Europa: i tempi e la vita di Niccolò Machiavelli", pp. 17-43; cap. 1, "Attività diplomatica e scritti politici fino al 1512", pp. 47-69; chap. 7, "Lingua e stile", pp. 185-201; chap. 9, "Umori" e "tumulti", pp. 225-243; chap. 10, "Machiavelli e la questione della guerra", pp. 245-264; chap. 11, "La religione", pp. 265-283.
International and Erasmus students are invited to promptly get in touch with the professor in order to arrange a reading plan (available in English) for exam preparation.
Programme for 6 cfu:
Knowledge of the topics taught in lectures (parts A and C or B and C), with the related texts.
As for part A or B students must prepare subjects and texts thanks to a manual of their choice and to a booklet on sale at Cortina bookshop. Some manuals and anthologies are suggested here below:
- Giulio Ferroni, Profilo storico della letteratura italiana, Einaudi;
- Giancarlo Alfano, Paola Italia, Emilio Russo, Franco Tomasi, Letteratura italiana. Manuale per studi universitari, Mondadori Università;
- Letteratura italiana, ed. by Andrea Battistini, il Mulino;
- Hermann Grosser, Il canone letterario, Principato;
- Claudio Marazzini, Simone Fornara, Dove 'l sì suona, Loescher;
- Claudio Giunta, Cuori intelligenti, DeAgostini-Garzanti (Blue edition);
- Corrado Bologna, Rosa fresca aulentissima, Loescher.
At the end of parts A and B students will find on ARIEL a detailed list of subjects and texts to be prepared.
For part C the student will have to use and prepare:
- All texts and apparatus included in Gian Mario Anselmi - Nicola Bonazzi, Niccolò Machiavelli, Mondadori University, 250 pp. (text also available in digital format);
- any other texts of Machiavelli's works that will be explained in class and that will be made available;
- the notes of the lessons;
- the following chapters and pages in Machiavelli, edited by Emanuele Cutinelli-Rendina and Raffaele Ruggiero, Carocci: cap. "Tra Firenze e l'Europa: i tempi e la vita di Niccolò Machiavelli", pp. 17-43; cap. 1, "Attività diplomatica e scritti politici fino al 1512", pp. 47-69; chap. 7, "Lingua e stile", pp. 185-201; chap. 9, "Umori" e "tumulti", pp. 225-243; chap. 10, "Machiavelli e la questione della guerra", pp. 245-264; chap. 11, "La religione", pp. 265-283.
Programme for 9 cfu:
Knowledge of the topics taught in lectures (parts A, B and C) with the related texts.
As for parts A and B students must prepare subjects and texts thanks to a manual of their choice and to a booklet on sale at Cortina bookshop. Some manuals and anthologies are suggested here below:
- Giulio Ferroni, Profilo storico della letteratura italiana, Einaudi;
- Giancarlo Alfano, Paola Italia, Emilio Russo, Franco Tomasi, Letteratura italiana. Manuale per studi universitari, Mondadori Università;
- Letteratura italiana, ed. by Andrea Battistini, il Mulino;
- Hermann Grosser, Il canone letterario, Principato;
- Claudio Marazzini, Simone Fornara, Dove 'l sì suona, Loescher;
- Claudio Giunta, Cuori intelligenti, DeAgostini-Garzanti (Blue edition);
- Corrado Bologna, Rosa fresca aulentissima, Loescher.
At the end of parts A and B students will find on ARIEL a detailed list of subjects and texts to be prepared.
For part C the student will have to use and prepare:
- All texts and apparatus included in Gian Mario Anselmi - Nicola Bonazzi, Niccolò Machiavelli, Mondadori University, 250 pp. (text also available in digital format);
- any other texts of Machiavelli's works that will be explained in class and that will be made available;
- the notes of the lessons;
- the following chapters and pages in Machiavelli, edited by Emanuele Cutinelli-Rendina and Raffaele Ruggiero, Carocci: cap. "Tra Firenze e l'Europa: i tempi e la vita di Niccolò Machiavelli", pp. 17-43; cap. 1, "Attività diplomatica e scritti politici fino al 1512", pp. 47-69; chap. 7, "Lingua e stile", pp. 185-201; chap. 9, "Umori" e "tumulti", pp. 225-243; chap. 10, "Machiavelli e la questione della guerra", pp. 245-264; chap. 11, "La religione", pp. 265-283.
Non-attending students:
Programme for 6 cfu:
Knowledge of the topics taught in lectures (parts A and C or B and C), with the related texts. At the end of parts A and B students will find on ARIEL a detailed list of subjects and texts to be prepared.
As for part A or B students must prepare subjects and texts thanks to a manual of their choice and to a booklet on sale at Cortina bookshop. Some manuals and anthologies are suggested here below:
- Giulio Ferroni, Profilo storico della letteratura italiana, Einaudi;
- Giancarlo Alfano, Paola Italia, Emilio Russo, Franco Tomasi, Letteratura italiana. Manuale per studi universitari, Mondadori Università;
- Letteratura italiana, ed. by Andrea Battistini, il Mulino;
- Hermann Grosser, Il canone letterario, Principato;
- Claudio Marazzini, Simone Fornara, Dove 'l sì suona, Loescher;
- Claudio Giunta, Cuori intelligenti, DeAgostini-Garzanti (Blue edition);
- Corrado Bologna, Rosa fresca aulentissima, Loescher.
For part C the student will have to use and prepare:
- All texts and apparatus included in Gian Mario Anselmi - Nicola Bonazzi, Niccolò Machiavelli, Mondadori University, 250 pp. (text also available in digital format);
- any other texts of Machiavelli's works that will be explained in class and that will be made available;
- the notes of the lessons;
- the following chapters and pages in Machiavelli, edited by Emanuele Cutinelli-Rendina and Raffaele Ruggiero, Carocci: cap. "Tra Firenze e l'Europa: i tempi e la vita di Niccolò Machiavelli", pp. 17-43; cap. 1, "Attività diplomatica e scritti politici fino al 1512", pp. 47-69; chap. 7, "Lingua e stile", pp. 185-201; chap. 9, "Umori" e "tumulti", pp. 225-243; chap. 10, "Machiavelli e la questione della guerra", pp. 245-264; chap. 11, "La religione", pp. 265-283.
Programme for 9 cfu:
Knowledge of the topics taught in lectures (parts A, B and C). At the end of parts A and B students will find on ARIEL a detailed list of subjects and texts to be prepared.
As for parts A and B students must prepare subjects and texts thanks to a manual of their choice and to a booklet on sale at Cortina bookshop.
Some manuals and anthologies are suggested here below:
- Giulio Ferroni, Profilo storico della letteratura italiana, Einaudi;
- Giancarlo Alfano, Paola Italia, Emilio Russo, Franco Tomasi, Letteratura italiana. Manuale per studi universitari, Mondadori Università;
- Letteratura italiana, ed. by Andrea Battistini, il Mulino;
- Hermann Grosser, Il canone letterario, Principato;
- Claudio Marazzini, Simone Fornara, Dove 'l sì suona, Loescher;
- Claudio Giunta, Cuori intelligenti, DeAgostini-Garzanti (Blue edition);
- Corrado Bologna, Rosa fresca aulentissima, Loescher.
For part C the student will have to use and prepare:
- All texts and apparatus included in Gian Mario Anselmi - Nicola Bonazzi, Niccolò Machiavelli, Mondadori University, 250 pp. (text also available in digital format);
- any other texts of Machiavelli's works that will be explained in class and that will be made available;
- the notes of the lessons;
- the following chapters and pages in Machiavelli, edited by Emanuele Cutinelli-Rendina and Raffaele Ruggiero, Carocci: cap. "Tra Firenze e l'Europa: i tempi e la vita di Niccolò Machiavelli", pp. 17-43; cap. 1, "Attività diplomatica e scritti politici fino al 1512", pp. 47-69; chap. 7, "Lingua e stile", pp. 185-201; chap. 9, "Umori" e "tumulti", pp. 225-243; chap. 10, "Machiavelli e la questione della guerra", pp. 245-264; chap. 11, "La religione", pp. 265-283.
International and Erasmus students are invited to promptly get in touch with the professor in order to arrange a reading plan (available in English) for exam preparation.
Assessment methods and Criteria
- Method: The exam for 9 cfu consists of a preliminary written test on parts A and B and an oral test on part C. The exam for 6 cfu consists of an oral test on parts A and C or B and C. The written test is held in May or June 2021, September 2021 and January 2022; passing the written test is a prerequisite for the oral exam.
- Type of examination: written test with two open questions (a question on the authors, works or literary movements listed in the program, and a question which consists in the recognition, paraphrase and commentary of one of the texts in the program) and oral interrogation;
- Length of written examination: 90 minutes;
- As for the written test, the criteria used to assess student's performance are relevance, completeness and correctness; the ability to elaborate an organic and coherent response, to adopt the proper formal register and to employ the appropriate specialized lexicon, and, for the third question, to adequately render a text showing a satisfactory knowledge of the literary language will be considered. Oral test consists of an interview on fundamental topics of the work dealt with in part C: the student will have to demonstrate a full ability to paraphrase the text. The criteria used to assess student's performance are: ability to critically organize informations from lessons and bibliography; competence to comprehensively and effectively expose problems and questions using proper technical language.
- Type of evaluation method: Written tests will be graded sufficient, discreet, good, excellent and will be considered in the final overall grade, that will be expressed in the 30 grade point system; even if they do not pass the written test, students can be admitted to the oral test (provided that their assessment is not seriously inadequate).
- Number and types of assessment that contribute to the final evaluation: both written test and oral interrogation.
- Method of communication of the assessment results in case of written examinations: Ariel site.
- Informations on the program and on the exam will be provided in the first lesson of the course; a presentation will be available on Ariel where students will find specimen papers of previous written tests.
The format of the exam for students with disabilities should be arranged in advance with the professor, as well as the relevant office.
- Type of examination: written test with two open questions (a question on the authors, works or literary movements listed in the program, and a question which consists in the recognition, paraphrase and commentary of one of the texts in the program) and oral interrogation;
- Length of written examination: 90 minutes;
- As for the written test, the criteria used to assess student's performance are relevance, completeness and correctness; the ability to elaborate an organic and coherent response, to adopt the proper formal register and to employ the appropriate specialized lexicon, and, for the third question, to adequately render a text showing a satisfactory knowledge of the literary language will be considered. Oral test consists of an interview on fundamental topics of the work dealt with in part C: the student will have to demonstrate a full ability to paraphrase the text. The criteria used to assess student's performance are: ability to critically organize informations from lessons and bibliography; competence to comprehensively and effectively expose problems and questions using proper technical language.
- Type of evaluation method: Written tests will be graded sufficient, discreet, good, excellent and will be considered in the final overall grade, that will be expressed in the 30 grade point system; even if they do not pass the written test, students can be admitted to the oral test (provided that their assessment is not seriously inadequate).
- Number and types of assessment that contribute to the final evaluation: both written test and oral interrogation.
- Method of communication of the assessment results in case of written examinations: Ariel site.
- Informations on the program and on the exam will be provided in the first lesson of the course; a presentation will be available on Ariel where students will find specimen papers of previous written tests.
The format of the exam for students with disabilities should be arranged in advance with the professor, as well as the relevant office.
Unita' didattica A
L-FIL-LET/10 - ITALIAN LITERATURE - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
L-FIL-LET/10 - ITALIAN LITERATURE - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
L-FIL-LET/10 - ITALIAN LITERATURE - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The syllabus is shared with the following courses:
- [C25-788](
- [C25-788](
Unita' didattica A
L-FIL-LET/10 - ITALIAN LITERATURE - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
L-FIL-LET/10 - ITALIAN LITERATURE - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
L-FIL-LET/10 - ITALIAN LITERATURE - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Tuesday 9.30-12.30
Department of Literary Studies, Philology and Linguistics, Unit of Modern Studies, first floor