Basis of Phisics and Mathematics

A.Y. 2020/2021
Overall hours
FIS/07 MAT/05
Learning objectives
The scientific method
- fundamental math for understanding physical laws
- fundamental physics underlying the structure and functionality of the organism
- the physical principles of the main diagnostic methods.
Expected learning outcomes
- know the main mathematical quantities of relevance for understanding physical laws
- know the main physical quantities of relevance for medical physics and for understanding the structure and functionality of the organism
- learn to apply such quantities to problems
- learn the physical and technological bases of diagnostics, with particular attention to imaging diagnostics.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Didactic methods.
Half of the students, according to pre-established shifts, will participate from time to time in face-to-face lessons in classrooms suitably equipped for the Covid emergency, where safety conditions allow it.
Furthermore, to allow them to be used both in synchronous and asynchronous mode for students not present in the classroom, the lessons will be held simultaneously on the Microsoft Teams platform and can be followed both in synchrony on the basis of the first semester and in asynchronous mode, because they will be registered and left on the same platform available to students not present in the classroom.
Lessons may also include pre-recorded materials.
If the situation worsens, the lessons will be delivered through the Microsoft Teams platform and can be followed both in synchronous according to the scheduled time and asynchronously, because they are recorded through the same platform.

Program and reference material.
The program and reference material will not change. The teaching material (slides displayed during the lectures) will be available on the Ariel platform dedicated to teaching.

Methods for verifying learning and evaluation criteria.
The exam will take place in writing in the presence or in the event of an aggravation of the pandemic, with the moodle + seb + webconference modality to be activated in collaboration with the Center for educational innovation and multimedia technologies of the University of Milan.
The oral part of the exam will take place using the Microsoft Teams platform. In this case the duration of the test will be about 20 minutes.
The examination, in particular, will be aimed at:
- ascertain the achievement of the objectives in terms of knowledge and understanding;
- ascertain the ability to apply knowledge and understanding and verify the autonomy of judgment through the discussion of the topics covered by the lessons;
- verify the student's autonomy of judgment also through the analysis of cases discussed during the course or mentioned in the textbooks;
- ascertain the mastery of the specific language of radiological sciences and the ability to present the topics in a clear and logical way, with the necessary links to the content of other courses of the Degree Course.
Prerequisites for admission
Be familiar with the mathematical notions normally provided during the last year of high school. In particular it is necessary to know:

- the algebraic calculation (operations between monomials and polynomials, powers of polynomials, decomposition into prime factors, simplification of algebraic fractions, etc.);
- trigonometry;
- the study of real variable functions;
- elements of infinitesimal calculus, especially derivatives and integrals.

This course does not include lessons dedicated to the mathematics topics listed above. Each student must take care to fill any gaps with personal study.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The learning assessment includes a written test and an oral test.
The two-hour written test is based on numerical exercises and Physics exercises and the minimum grade of 18 allows you to enter the next oral exam. Each written test exercise has a maximum grade assigned based on its complexity up to the total score of 30 points available. The maximum grade assigned to each numerical exercise is indicated in the written test. The written test can include all the exercises of the type carried out during the lectures. During the written test the use of a pocket calculator is allowed but it is not allowed to consult notes or books.
The oral exam must be taken in the same exam session in which the written test was taken and passed. Failure to pass the oral exam does not entail the repetition of the written test, but only the oral test if the latter is carried out by the end of the exam session in which the written test has been passed. If the written test is the last of a corresponding session, the limit for re-taking the oral test is fixed at the first appeal of the next session. To consult the calendar of exam sessions scheduled for the current academic year, reference should be made to the calendar of appeals published on the Degree Course website.
The oral exam globally evaluates the competences acquired by the student and always includes a series of questions on each macro-area of the course contents.
The final grade is not the arithmetic average of the mark of the written test and the oral exam.
The booking on the UNIMIA portal, within the dates established for each appeal, is mandatory for the examination.
Applied physics for radiological sciences
Course syllabus
The laws of motion as an effect of the applied forces.
Balance of an extended body subjected to both forces and constraints.
Work of a strength and energy.
Energy conservation.
Statics and fluid dynamics.
Laws of electrostatics.
Concept of field and electric potential.
Capacity concept.
Electric current and Ohm's laws.
General information on magnetic fields and electromagnetic waves.
Electromagnetic waves.
Teaching methods
The course is divided into moments: lectures, cooperative learning and microteaching activities, collective discussion and peer-to-peer evaluation. The lectures slides are uploaded to the Ariel website.
Teaching Resources
KANE, STERNHEIM, Fisica Biomedica (corso introduttivo per Medicina, Scienze Biologiche, Scienze Naturali, Farmacia) - E.M.S.I., Roma
Mathematical analysis
Course syllabus
Overview of set theory.
Elementary operations.
Numerical sets.
Exponentials and logarithms.
Series and successions.
Review of trigonometry.
Function concept.
Trigonometric, linear, exponential, logarithmic functions; graphics.
Concept of limit of a function.
The continuous function, points of discontinuity, continuous functions over an interval.
Derivative concept, derivative algebra, derivative of the composite function.
Teaching methods
The course is divided into moments: lectures, cooperative learning and microteaching activities, collective discussion and peer-to-peer evaluation. The lectures slides are uploaded to the Ariel website.
Teaching Resources
BORSA, LASCIALFARI: Principi di Fisica EdiSES: Appendice A
KANE: Fisica applicata - E.M.S.I., Roma: Appendice B
SCANNICCHIO: Elementi di Fisica Biomedica - EdiSES: Capitolo 1
GIANCOLI: Fisica. Principi e Applicazioni - CEA: Appendice
Applied physics for radiological sciences
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 3
Lessons: 30 hours
Professor: Del Favero Elena
Mathematical analysis
MAT/05 - MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Del Favero Elena