Staff selection competitive exams resume
Archived notice
Candidates are kindly requested to read the Protocols, available at the link provided here, with a focus on the following requirements, as set out in point 3) regarding the measures in force for selection procedures:
- Show up alone, and without any kind of luggage (except in exceptional circumstances, to be documented);
- Do not go to the exam venue if you have one or more of the following symptoms:
- Temperature above 37.5°C and chills;
- Cough of recent onset;
- Breathing difficulties;
- Sudden loss of the sense of smell (anosmia) or decreased sense of smell (hyposmia), loss of the sense of taste (ageusia) or distortion of the sense of taste (dysgeusia);
- Sore throat;
- Do not show up at the exam venue if in quarantine or self-isolation and/or under home confinement as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19 contagion;
- Produce, upon entry, self-certification pursuant to art. 46 and 47 of Presidential Decree 445/2000 concerning the requirements referred to in points 2 and 3 (at the bottom of this notice);
- show, upon entering the competition area, a valid COVID-19 certificate pursuant to art. 9, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree 52/2021, as amended and supplemented, proving:
- completion of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination cycle, or the administration of a single dose of vaccine, with validity from the fifteenth day following the administration until the date scheduled for the completion of the vaccination cycle;
- full recovery from COVID-19, with the simultaneous end of the isolation period prescribed following infection with SARS-CoV-2, in compliance with the provisions of Ministry of Health circulars;
- a negative rapid antigen or molecular test for SARS-CoV-2, valid for forty-eight hours from the execution of the test at an accredited/authorized public or private facility;