University locations
The headquarters of the University of Milan are located in the city centre:
- the Rector's Office and the Office of the Managing Director, as well as central administration, Erasmus and mobility services, and the Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Office are on via Festa del Perdono 7
- the Student Registry Division, the COSP - University Study and Career Guidance Service, and the international student welcome desk are on via S. Sofia 9/1, just five minutes’ walk from via Festa del Perdono
- HR offices are located in Via Sant'Antonio
Courses are held in different locations, in Milan and in Lombardy.

Central offices and divisions
- Rector's Office
- Office of the Managing Director
- Research Services Management Office
- Institutional Affairs Management Office
- Education and Lifelong Learning and Training Management Office
- Legal Affairs and Procurement Management Office
- Institutional and Digital Communication Branch
- Mobility Manager
University Services
- University Library Coordination Division
- Philosophy Library
- Law and Humanities Library
- History and Historical Documentation Library
- Antiquities and Modern Philology Library
- Equal Rights, Assistance and Social Integration Services for the Disabled
- University Language Centre - Slam
- Caslod - University of Milan Logistics Centre for Education
- Department of Philosophy "Piero Martinetti"
- Department of Cultural and Environmental Heritage
- Department of Literary Studies, Philology and Linguistics
- Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law
- Department of Oncology and Hematology-Oncology
- Department of Law "Cesare Beccaria"
- Department of Private Law and Legal History
- Department of Historical Studies
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Humanities
- Faculty of Law
- School of Exercise and Sport Sciences
Academic Services
- Interdepartmental Academic Services Office for the Faculty of Humanities
- Interdepartmental Academic Services Office for the Faculty of Medicine
- Interdepartmental Academic Services Office for the Faculty of Law
Course venues
- Classrooms in the teaching sector of the faculties of Law and Humanities
- Great Hall
- Medicine dissertation room
By bus (54, 60, 73, 84, 94), tram (12, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 27) and underground (line 1 - Duomo; line 3 - Missori).
Offices located at this address:
- COSP - University Study and Career Guidance Service
- Student Registry Direction
Offices located at this address:
- Property Assets Management Office
- Staff and Education Procedures Management Office and Help Desk
- Audit and Quality System Staff
- Pensions and Fiscal Contributions and Obligations
- Property Services Office
- Teaching Appointments and Contracts Office
- Technical, Administrative and Librarian Staff Management and Coordination
- Competitive Exams Office for Administrative and Technical Staff
- Servicing Office for Città Studi and Decentralized Buildings
- Contract Employee Presence Monitoring Office
- Activities Planning and Monitoring Staff
- Office for Contracts Management and Tenders Assistance
- Staff Training Office
- Office for the Management and Audit of External Collaborations
- Office for Major Building Works
- Quotations Assessment Office
- Academic Staff and Researchers Recruitment and Career Office
- Maintenance Branch
- Academic Staff Legal Management Branch
- Administration and Management Services Branch
- Economic Planning and Wages Branch
- Planning Branch
- Technical Inspections and Property Services Branch
- Technical, Administrative and Librarian Staff Legal Management and Staff Policy Branch
- Freelance and Similar Work Management Office
- Caslod (The University Logistics Centre for Education) - Milan City Centre
- Library of the Centre for Foreign Languages and Literatures
- Department of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Mediations
- Political Science Library
- Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods
- Department of International, Legal, Historical and Political Studies
- Department of Social and Political Sciences
- Faculty of Political, Economic and Social Sciences
- Interdepartmental Academic Services Office for the Faculty of Political, Economic and Social Sciences
- Teaching sector of the Faculty of Political, Economic and Social Sciences
- History of Art, Music and Performing Arts Library
- Apice - Archives of Words, Images and Publishing Communication
- Postgraduate Specialization in Art History
- Teaching sector of the Faculty of Humanities
Via Balzaretti 9
- Department of Pharmacological and Biomolecular Sciences
Via Celoria 2
- Agriculture Library
- Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences - Production, Landscape, Agroenergy
- Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences
- Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
- Agricultural and Food Sciences course venue
Via Celoria 8
- Student Administration for the Faculty of Science and Technology
- State Board Exams Office
- Student Administration for the Faculties of Agriculture, Pharmacy and Veterinary Medicine
- State Board Exams for Non-Medical Professions Branch
Via Celoria 16
- Physics Library
- Department of Physics "Aldo Pontremoli"
Via Celoria 18
- Department of Computer Science "Giovanni degli Antoni"
- Computer Science course venue
Via Celoria 20
- Caslod (The University Logistics Centre for Education) - Milan - Città Studi Area
- Medicine course venue
- Agricultural and Food Sciences course venue
- Pharmacy course venue
- Science and Technology course venue
- Political, Economic and Social Sciences course venue
Via Celoria 26
- Biological Sciences Library
- Department of Biosciences
Via Golgi 19
- Department of Chemistry
- Urp- Project for Creating a Public Relations Office
- Interdepartmental Academic Services Office for the Faculty of Pharmacy
Via Mangiagalli 25
- Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Medicine course venue
- Pharmaceutical Sciences course venue
Via Mangiagalli 34
- "A. Desio" Earth Sciences Library
- Department of Earth Sciences "Ardito Desio"
Via Saldini 50
- "Giovanni Ricci" Mathematics Library
- Department of Mathematics "Federigo Enriques"
- Faculty of Science and Technology
- Interdepartmental Academic Services Office for the Faculty of Science and Technology
Via Vanvitelli 32
- Biomedical Sciences Library - Città Studi
- Department of Medical Biotechnology and Translational Medicine
Via dell'Università 6 - 26900 Lodi
Offices located at this address:
- Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
- Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences
- Milan - Città Studi Area - Sector L
The city of Lodi is easily reachable by train from the cities of Milan (interchange for many routes), Piacenza, Cremona, Mantua.
It is also served by the S1 railway line (Saronno-Lodi).
Near the railway station, there is the bus terminal for line 4 and circle line 3 shuttle buses, which will take you directly to the University campus.
Offices located at this address:
P.zza Indro Montanelli 1
- Department of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Mediations
P.zza Indro Montanelli 4
- Student Administration at the Sesto San Giovanni Learning Centre
P.zza Indro Montanelli 11
- Library of the Centre for Languages and Intercultural Mediation in Sesto San Giovanni
- "Walter Tobagi" School of Journalism
P.zza Indro Montanelli 14
- Teaching and Learning Innovation and Multimedia Technology Centre
via Morino 8, 25048 Edolo (BS)
Offices located at this address:
- Mountain University - Course Administration
- Conservation and sustainable development of mountain areas