Preparing for admission tests

The simulation tests available online, as well as any courses and webinars organised by the Universities or by other bodies and organisations, can help prepare for degree programme admission tests.

Admission tests simulations

A number of degree programmes use the TOLC tests run by CISIA, the Consortium of Inter-University Integrated Access Systems, as admission tests.

TOLC tests can be used for selection purposes (i.e. to exclude candidates who score under a certain threshold in the test, in the case of limited-enrolment programmes) or simply to assess the candidate’s prior knowledge (in the case of open-enrolment programmes).

There are several types of TOLC tests, depending on the subject area of the degree programme that the candidate wishes to attend


Degree programmes:

Sustainable Agriculture
Breeding and Welfare of Companion Animals
Production and Protection of Plants and Green Areas
Animal Production
Science and Technology for Sustainable Food
Foodservice Science and Technology
Development and Protection of Mountain Environment
Viticulture and Enology


Degree programme: 

Biological Science


Degree programmes 

Communication and Society
Economics and Management
Management of Organization and Labour
Management and Policies of Public Administration
International Studies and European Institutions
Political Sciences
Social Sciences for Globalisation

English TOLC E

Degree programme

International Politics, Law and Economics (IPLE)


Degree programmes

Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology
Exercise and Sports Sciences


Degree programmes

Computer Science and Technology (Computer Science, Music Information Science, Computer Science for New Media Communications, Computer Systems and Networks Security)
Cultural Heritage: Sciences, Technologies and Diagnostics (TOLC-B is also accepted)
Medical Biotechnology
Industrial Chemistry
Physics (TOLC-I is also accepted)
Mathematics (TOLC-I is also accepted)
Environmental Science and Policy
Chemical Safety and Toxicological Environmental Sciences
Geological Sciences (TOLC-B and TOLC-I are also accepted)
Natural Sciences


Degree programmes

Foreign Languages and Literature
Language Mediation and Intercultural Communication
Studies in Cultural Heritage
Sciences of Legal Services
Environmental Humanities
Liberal Studies in Communication


Degree programme

Digital Systems in Agriculture


Degree programmes with nationally-capped enrolment

Medicine and Surgery
Dental Medicine 


Some capped-enrolment undergraduate programmes of the University of Milan require candidates to pass an admission test created by the University itself. Test your knowledge with some simulations of these tests. 

  • Humanities 
    To access the mock test, you have to register on the website of the
    PARI project; please read the project presentation before registering. 
    Further information can be found on the
    enrolment page of the programme website.
    Please note that the PARI test is not the actual admission test for the Bachelor’s degree programme in Humanities, but only a preliminary self-assessment test designed to fully prepare you for the real admission test.

You can prepare for admission tests created by the Ministry of University and Research by consulting MUR exam papers of the previous years.

The links available here refer to tests of the a. y. 2022/23. For a better reading, all correct answers are indicated in letter A. You can also consult previous years' tests on the MUR website.

Admission tests preparation courses

La Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria dell'Università degli Studi di Milano propone - in collaborazione con Alpha Test - un corso in presenza di preparazione al test di Medicina Veterinaria.

Il corso ha la durata di tre giorni, dal 9 all'11 luglio, dalle 08:30 alle 17:30, e affronta tutte le materie previste nel test ministeriale fissato per il 31 luglio, oltre a fornire tecniche e strategie ad hoc.

Il programma è dettagliato nella locandina, scaricala per saperne di più.

Il corso è gratuito ad iscrizione obbligatoria. Vai al sito

The student association PrePost “Davide Bortolotto” provides free courses for anyone who wants to prepare for the admission test for:

  • Medicine and Surgery
  • Dental Medicine
  • Degree programmes in Health Professions
  • International Medical School.

These courses are also useful for TOLC-VET tests.

For more information, you can visit the association website or write to [email protected].

The University of Milan offers recorded webinars and video-lessons dealing with the basics of biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics and logical reasoning, starting from the answers to the questions of previous years’ tests.

All materials have been prepared and produced by instructors of the University of Milan, the University of Milan-Bicocca and the University of Brescia.

The University of Milan offers upper secondary schools a series of courses dedicated to active orientation in school-university transition. These courses are also known as PNRR pathways, as they are financed within the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (also known as PNRR). Courses are only open to third-year, fourth-year and fifth-year students, who must be registered through their home school. 

Each pathway has a duration of 15 hours. A certificate of attendance will be issued to all students who take part in at least 70% of the activities offered by each pathway. Schools can recognise such activities as PCTOPercorsi per le competenze trasversali e per l’orientamento (Pathways for Soft Skills and Orientation, corresponding to the work-based learning activities formerly known as Alternanza scuola-lavoro). Each student can participate in only one pathway throughout the three-year period. 

Among the pathways proposed, there are two initiatives on preparation for admission tests:

  • Active orientation and admission tests - medical area
  • Chemistry, I am not scared of you. Training course for the OFA test