Quality assurance
For the University of Milan, Quality Assurance means adopting processes and tools that provide all students, teachers, researchers, and staff with a quality study, research or career path.
The values underlying QA processes are described in the Quality Policies document.
Moreover, we share ENQA's Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (2015) and participate in the periodic accreditation process as defined in the AVA guidelines for self-assessment, evaluation, and periodic accreditation by the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR).
In order to increase the dissemination and sharing of documents and information that are relevant for the QA process, as well as with a view to transparency, it is essential to map these documents and information. Transparency is among the fundamental principles of the University, as stated in our Quality Policies.
This document, which is drawn up by Institutional Affairs with the methodological supervision of the Quality Assurance Board, illustrates the guidelines and methods of publication and dissemination of all QA-related documents, both at the central and local level.
The document has two Annexes. The first, constantly updated with the contribution of all administrative offices, is the actual mapping of documents and information flows. The second is an insight on the QA management "dashboard".
Documents of general interest
- Universities quality policies
- Riesame del sistema AQ 2024
- Riesame del sistema AQ 2022
- Riesame del sistema AQ 2020
- Riesame del sistema di Governo 2024
- Participants and Entities
- Glossario dei termini per l'Assicurazione della Qualità
- Linee Guida del Presidio della Qualità
- Linee guida NDV
- Relazione di Ateneo per la ricerca - I edizione Maggio 2020
- Relazione di Ateneo per la ricerca - II edizione Novembre 2020
- Relazione di Ateneo per la ricerca (RAR) - III edizione - Luglio 2022
- Relazione di Ateneo per la ricerca (RAR) - IV edizione - Ottobre 2023
Meeting reports of the Quality Assurance Board
Meeting reports of the Independent Evaluation Unit
Documents for Quality assurance at degree programme level
Documents for Quality assurance at department level
- Resoconto revisione monitoraggio PTD 2019
- Relazione monitoraggio PTD 2020-2022 - marzo 2020
- Relazione monitoraggio annuale PTD 2020_2022
- Relazione sul processo di apertura PTD 2022-2024 - settembre 2022
- Relazione monitoraggio annuale PTD 2022-2024 - giugno 2023
- Relazione monitoraggio annuale PTD 2022_2024 - maggio 2024
- VQR 2015-2019
- Istruzioni siti web dei Dipartimenti
Documents for Quality Assurance System for PhD programmes
Annual reports of the Good Practice project

The processes and people involved in QA planning, management and assessment for educational and scientific activities.

Events and training activities organized by the Quality Assurance Board.

Quality, strategic lines, our mission and engagement tools for the entire academic community.

The people, tools and processes involved in assessing and monitoring quality in teaching and learning.

Monitoring research and third mission activities, defining goals and assessing achievements with a view to ongoing improvement.

The people, tools and processes involved in assessing and monitoring quality of Doctoral research programmes (PhD).