COSP (University Study and Career Guidance Service)
The University Study and Career Guidance Service (COSP) intends to work in close liaison with teachers, other University functions, local and national agencies, by promoting and coordinating actions aimed at assisting students in the essential stages of their educational and career path, namely the transition:
- from high school to university;
- from university to employment.
It also coordinates actions for the promotion of training and orientation internships, as well as placement activities, creating services for new graduate employment.
Prof. Stefano Simonetta
Deputy Rector for Education and Student Services
This service is especially directed to students enrolled in the last years of high school, with a focus on:
- disseminating information on degree programmes, advising students in programme selection, with the support of senior university students acting as tutors;
- participating in orientation meetings at local student fairs through faculty delegates;
- hosting orientation days during the academic year, for our faculties to present their programmes to future students and their teachers;
- preparing the programme information material to be used in orientation meetings with students, in agreement with the faculties and in cooperation with other University functions;
- establishing and maintaining relations and collaborations with the Regional School Directorate and other institutions involved in pre-university guidance actions, in order to strengthen our relationship with high schools and launch specific initiatives such as meetings, summer schools and internships, training sessions for teachers carrying out guidance activities.
The COSP intends to inform and advice enrolled students on the University's educational activities and education incentive programmes, as well as providing them with a network of support services during their studies.
More specifically, it:
- provides information and documentation on tutoring activities carried out by the University faculties;
- participates in arranging freshman welcome days and disseminating information on faculty programmes and other initiatives to assist new students in learning their way around;
- coordinates, also in cooperation with other academic functions, support services for students who go through trouble and stress, providing them with psychological counselling and/or helping them adjust their study method;
- promotes, implements and monitors training internships provided for by the education system, liaising with the faculties and other University services, as well as with the companies/institutions where internships are carried out, through special agreements closed by the COSP.
The COSP carries out job orientation activities for near-graduates and graduates to increase their awareness of the labour market, employment opportunities and tools and channels for entering the world of work.
It also coordinates guidance / placement internship activities.
For these purposes, it interacts with public institutions (e.g. the Region, Province, Municipality, Ministry of Labour and Social Security) and private agencies to carry out the activities and services provided for by national and regional regulations.
More specifically, it performs the following services and activities, in close cooperation with the faculties and other University functions:
Research and monitoring activities
Within the scope of its statutory functions, the COSP collects and analyses information and statistical data on the supply and demand for the University programmes with respect to the professional profiles required by the labour market, students' and graduates' job expectations, and graduates' employment opportunities, through ad hoc surveys and analysis of existing data in the graduate database.
Career guidance activities for students, near-graduates and graduates
- Work orientation and business culture modules;
- Job desk for near-graduates and graduates;
- Events, such as company presentations and career days, to introduce graduates to the world of work.
Internship and Placement Services
- For a better matching of labour supply and demand, this function creates and uses graduate curricula databases and suitable tools to assist organizations and companies looking for qualified personnel, thereby increasing interest in the University's educational offer.
- It promotes, implements and monitors guidance / placement internships at companies and institutions, negotiating agreements with companies and their associations, keeping contact with them and putting in place appropriate tools to facilitate the matching of internship supply and demand.
COSP coordinates University activities for curricular internships, in cooperation with study programmes, as well as extra-curricular internships to help new graduates enter the world of work.
More specifically, it promotes, implements and monitors internships at companies and institutions, negotiating agreements with companies and their associations, keeping contact with them and putting in place appropriate tools to facilitate the matching of internship supply and demand.
The University, through COSP, offers students with disabilities assistance and services to foster their inclusion within the academic community.
Support services are granted for the entire duration of the student's academic career, including guidance, programme choice, admission tests and enrolment, up to graduation. We provide a range of customized services to be agreed upon request.
To guarantee the right to education, equal opportunities and social integration for students with specific learning disabilities (SLDs), the University of Milan, through COSP, provides specific services and support for the entire duration of their academic path.
Support services include guidance, assistance with programme choice, admission tests and enrolment, up to graduation. Customized services may be agreed upon request.