Freshman welcome days
Are you a freshman?
Join our annual meetings for new enrolees in September and October. You will gather useful information to start your academic journey successfully:
- University services for students (COSP - Orientation and Disability / SLD Services, Student Registrar, SBA - Library Service, SLAM - University Language Centre, CTU - Teaching and Learning Innovation and Multimedia Technology Centre, International Mobility Office, QA - Quality Assurance, CUS Milano - University Sports Centre)
- Campuses, academic organization, where to find class times
- Educational support, laboratories, and online learning materials
- Scholarships, housing and catering services
The meetings are held on multiple dates.
Each degree programme may have its own welcome and induction meeting.
View the 2024/2025 programme for all the information on how to register and participate.
Welcome meetings calendar
- 13 September 2024, 10.30 am
- 23 September 2024, 2.30 pm
- 4 October 2024,10.30 am
All meetings will take place in person in the great hall (Aula Magna) on via Festa del Perdono and simultaneously online on the Webex platform.
Registration is required (subject to availability) to follow the event both in person and online.
Registration available on the Guidance website.

At the beginning of the lessons, informative meetings are held at the degree programme teaching centres or other University venues to present the course structure to freshmen and students.
Usually held by university teachers as debating conferences, these sessions illustrate the organizational structure of Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes, and their respective syllabuses.
Select a study area for more information.