Geodiversity: theory and applications
A.A. 2023/2024
Obiettivi formativi
The course aims at introducing students to the concept of geodiversity and at giving them methods and techniques to describe and analyze the natural elements of the physical landscape and the main climate factors driving their evolution. In particular we will focus on detecting, mapping, describing and analyzing the physical elements and the natural resources of each environment (from mountains to coastal areas), their level of integrity and conservation, their relations with landscape and climate evolution and with the human presence and use (if any).
Risultati apprendimento attesi
At the end of the course, the students are expected to be able to develop autonomously a project in the field of the earth sciences focused on the evaluation of the geodiversity at local or at regional scale. They will be able to apply methods and techniques explained in the course and tested during the practical activities and they will properly discuss the obtained results also with fruitful comparison with the available literature.
Periodo: Secondo semestre
Modalità di valutazione: Esame
Giudizio di valutazione: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Corso singolo
Questo insegnamento non può essere seguito come corso singolo. Puoi trovare gli insegnamenti disponibili consultando il catalogo corsi singoli.
Programma e organizzazione didattica
Edizione unica
Secondo semestre
Principles of physical geography and remote sensing applications
Principles of physical climatology and climate change
Glaciers and glacier changes
Mountain lakes' evolution
Rivers and streams
Principles of physical climatology and climate change
Glaciers and glacier changes
Mountain lakes' evolution
Rivers and streams
Earth Sciences: definition and scopes.
Minerals and rocks: composition, genesis and classification
Minerals and rocks: composition, genesis and classification
Metodi didattici
The course aims at introducing students to the concept of geodiversity and at giving them methods and techniques to describe and analyze the natural elements of the physical landscape and the main climate factors driving their evolution. In particular we will focus on detecting, mapping, describing and analyzing the physical elements and the natural resources of each environment (from mountains to coastal areas), their level of integrity and conservation, their relations with landscape and climate evolution and with the human presence and use (if any).
To these aims, the course will be structured into four main parts: 1) different instruments and methods as remote sensing investigations (e.g.: the most innovative applications and products also including UAV surveys) for detecting, mapping and describing geodiversity; 2) description of the climate system and of its role in driving landscape and geodiversity evolution/change; 3) physically based approaches to assess the amount and to project in the future the availability of peculiar resources (as fresh water, snow and ice coverage) of the natural landscape; 4) development and application of a) new tools for evaluating human impacts on environment and/or landscape and b) innovative instruments (as the ones applied in cases of citizen science) to share with people information and data for raising their awareness on the fragility of the environment and for adopting the most sustainable practices to preserve the geodiversity.
At the end of the course, students will have learnt how to evaluate the geodiversity level of different environments, how to describe climate interactions and how to preserve and promote geodiversity.
The course will be base on both
lectures and technical practical activities in the Lab
To these aims, the course will be structured into four main parts: 1) different instruments and methods as remote sensing investigations (e.g.: the most innovative applications and products also including UAV surveys) for detecting, mapping and describing geodiversity; 2) description of the climate system and of its role in driving landscape and geodiversity evolution/change; 3) physically based approaches to assess the amount and to project in the future the availability of peculiar resources (as fresh water, snow and ice coverage) of the natural landscape; 4) development and application of a) new tools for evaluating human impacts on environment and/or landscape and b) innovative instruments (as the ones applied in cases of citizen science) to share with people information and data for raising their awareness on the fragility of the environment and for adopting the most sustainable practices to preserve the geodiversity.
At the end of the course, students will have learnt how to evaluate the geodiversity level of different environments, how to describe climate interactions and how to preserve and promote geodiversity.
The course will be base on both
lectures and technical practical activities in the Lab
Materiale di riferimento
Lecture notes in the ARIEL web site
Hartmann - Physical Climatology
Hartmann - Physical Climatology
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento e criteri di valutazione
The exam will be oral. The students will present and discuss an original work developed by themselves in the Lab using techniques and methods explained in the course.
At the end of the course, the students are expected to be able to develop autonomously a project in the field of the earth sciences focused on the evaluation of the geodiversity at local or at regional scale. They will be able to apply methods and techniques explained in the course and tested during the practical activities and they will properly discuss the obtained results also with fruitful comparison with the available literature. The project will be developed using QGIS software and it wll be presented during a public discussion using a power point presentation developed by the student.
At the end of the course, the students are expected to be able to develop autonomously a project in the field of the earth sciences focused on the evaluation of the geodiversity at local or at regional scale. They will be able to apply methods and techniques explained in the course and tested during the practical activities and they will properly discuss the obtained results also with fruitful comparison with the available literature. The project will be developed using QGIS software and it wll be presented during a public discussion using a power point presentation developed by the student.
Lezioni: 64 ore
Diolaiuti Guglielmina Adele, Salerno Franco
Siti didattici
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