
Ingresso Festa del Perdono

How to enrol at the University: application procedures and deadlines.

Studenti in aula, durante una lezione
Bachelors and masters

From the first exam to obtaining your degree: information for those enrolled on bachelor's, single-cycle or master's degree programmes.

Gruppo di ricercatori

Research training, specialization, master's programmes, advanced training and teacher training.

Student services
Studenti su una scalinata
Financial support

Financial aid, refectory service, accommodation, awards and scholarships: all about support measures guaranteeing your right to university education.

ragazze discutono al tavolo
Students with disabilities

The University provides support services to students with disabilities, to ensure their inclusion within the academic community.

Professioni sanitarie
Students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD)

University of Milan provides support services to students with specific learning disabilities.


3 student job vacancies at the SLAM Centre

The University Language Centre (SLAM) is seeking 2 student workers to help with administrative activities and 1 student worker to help with graphic design projects. Applications are open until 12 noon on 18 February. For further details and to apply, please see the job posting.

Applications to open-admission Master’s degree programmes a.a. 2025/26

Applications to open-admission Master’s degree programmes for the academic year 2025/2026 are open.

Non-EU students VISA applicants can apply for admission until 30 April 2025.

Programme quality
Find out what it is and how to participate

Students and teachers participate in programme quality policies through regular monitoring and assessment activities based on indicators provided by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR).

As Quality Assurance policies and procedures are student-centered, the University has prepared a training course divided into 4 modules for the students of the University.

4 ragazzi
Language proficiency

Placement tests, English and Italian language courses for students and International certifications.

Study abroad

Go abroad for study, complete an internship, or working on your thesis with Erasmus+  and other mobility programmes including double degree.

Due ragazzi alle prese con un tavolo di mixaggio musicale
Internships and jobs

Support measures for working students, writing your CV, traineeship opportunities, career guidance.

Student life
Transportation, music, sport, Radio Statale, student associations and cultural activities

A cura di Bernd Faas, Consulente di Eurocultura - Mobilità Internazionale. L'incontro su Zoom prevede 45 minuti di presentazione del tema e 15 minuti di Q&A tramite chat. L'iscrizione è aperta a tutti gli studenti e neolaureati dell'Ateneo. L'incontro fa parte del ciclo di otto appuntamenti "La ricerca dello stage all'estero" e il link per il collegamento sarà inviato agli iscritti il giorno prima dell'incontro alla mail di Ateneo.

A cura di Daniele Cosentino, CEO di Asia Internship Program. L'incontro, dedicato a studenti, studentesse, neolaureate e neolaureati, si svolgerà su Zoom dalle 14:30 - 16:30. L'iscrizione è obbligatoria e gli iscritti riceveranno il link per il collegamento alla mail di Ateneo il giorno prima dell'evento. Il webinar sarà in italiano con possibilità di Q&A in inglese. L'incontro fa parte del ciclo di 5 appuntamenti "Stage in Asia: opportunità, destinazioni e vantaggi".

Consulenze individuali per studenti/esse e neolaureati/e di Mediazione Linguistica e Culturale. I colloqui sono svolti da Brunella Di Silvestro, di Profice Srl, esperta in Formazione, Orientamento, Ricerca e selezione di personale. Sono disponibili 6 colloqui e 12 posti per le iscrizioni: i primi 6 iscritti riceveranno una mail per definire l’orario del colloquio e i successivi 6 saranno contattati in caso di rinunce. Le iscrizioni aprono circa 20 giorni prima della data prevista per i colloqui.

Programme quality
Find out what it is and how to participate

Students and teachers participate in programme quality policies through regular monitoring and assessment activities based on indicators provided by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR).

As Quality Assurance policies and procedures are student-centered, the University has prepared a training course divided into 4 modules for the students of the University.