
Bachelors and masters
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A multidisciplinary offer

Explore Faculties and Schools at the University of Milan: programmes, facilities and contacts.

University guidance
The Italian university system, choosing the right degree programme, and sample admission tests: services and events for prospective students
Other opportunities
State Board Exams
ragazzo al computer con un libro
Summer schools
Progetto carcere, logo realizzato da Ivan Gallo, 2022
Studying in prison

The University of Milan ensures incarcerated and jailed persons have the right to study at a university through an Agreement signed with the Regional Procurement Office for the Department of Corrections.

Presentazione generale dei Corsi di laurea triennale delle Professioni Sanitarie dell'Area di Medicina e Chirurgia. Iscriviti all'evento per partecipare in presenza e porre le tue domande. Scopri il programma generale dell'incontro nella locandina in allegato.