International enrolment in degree programmes

University enrolment in Italy is regulated by ministerial provisions that establish different admission procedures for EU or EU-equivalent students and non-EU students residing abroad.

Italian, European or non-European citizens with residence permits shall apply directly to the University. They need not pass any Italian proficiency test and are admitted with no quotas.

On the contrary, non-EU students residing abroad are required to submit a pre-enrolment application on Universitaly website. Universitaly acceptance does not confer any right to the completion of the enrolment process, even in the cases of:

  • study visa obtainment;
  • physical presence in the country;
  • elegibility and/or obtainment of scholarships or grants of all kinds;
  • conditional acceptance in order to start didactic activities.

If interested in a Bachelor’s or Single-cycle degree programme taught in Italian, they have also to pass an Italian proficiency test in order to be admitted

How to enrol

In order to enrol on an undergraduate programme, it is necessary to take an admission test or a skills assessment.

In order to enrol on a Master's degree, visa applicants must apply within 30 April 2025.

Admission and enrolment procedures are described at:

Degree programmes

Degree programmes and calls for enrolment are published every year, between February and July.

Search for the course of your interest.

If you are not resident in Italy or have a foreign qualification, you can contact the International Admissions and Credentials Evaluation Office directly by opening a request on InformaStudenti.

Specific procedures for international students

Besides the procedures required for all students, international students also have to follow these instructions:

There is a fixed number of places in each degree programme for non-EU students resident abroad. The information for all Italian Universities is published on the Ministry website. The number of places is also indicated in the degree programme information sheet in the "Education" section.

All non - EU students residing abroad are required to submit a pre-enrolment application on Universitaly website, attaching the documents listed here beside.

Pre - application may only be made for one university and one study programme and must be presented on the Universitaly website within 31 July 2025, under penalty of exclusion.

Grades from other countries can be converted into the equivalent in the Italian system of assessment.

If your mark is numerical, you can use the following formula:

                  V - Vmin

Grade = ------------------------  * (Imax -Imin) + Imin

              Vmax - Vmin

where V is the mark to convert
Vmin = minimum mark for a pass in the foreign institution
Vmax = maximum mark in the foreign institution
Imin = minimum mark for a pass in an Italian institution (60/100 for upper secondary school, 66/110 for academic degree)
Imax = maximum mark in an Italian school (100/100 for upper secondary school, 110/110 for academic degree)

Results with decimals should be rounded to the nearest integer.

If your mark is qualitative (judgements, letters and the like) conversion of the mark is assessed case by case.

Who must do the test

All non-EU students resident abroad interested in a Bachelor’s or Single-cycle degree programme taught in Italian have to pass an Italian language proficiency test.

The following students do not have to do the test:

  • students graded B2 or higher in Italian, certified by the CLIQ quality certification system in line with the technical standards set by the Council of Europe;
  • students who gained their higher school diploma in Italian schools abroad;
  • students with one of the qualifications issued by the "Scuole di frontiera" (frontier schools) listed in annex 2 of the Ministerial provisions;
  • students who graduated from lower secondary schools in Argentina and have complementary certificates demonstrating study of the Italian language for at least 5 years;
  • students with a Diploma di lingua e cultura italiana from the Universities for Foreigners of Perugia or Siena.

Passing the language test is an essential requirement for enrolment: students who do not pass the test cannot enrol in the university in the coming academic year and must return to their country of residence.

When and where

Also for the academic year 2025/26 the Italian language test will take place in collaboration with CISIA. The ITALIANO-L2 test will be carried out online, in TEST@CASA mode, on the following dates:

  • 25 July 2025;
  • 22 August 2025;
  • 19 September 2025;
  • 10 October 2025.

Candidates must present for the test with a valid identity document.

Students who have to take the test will be invited by e-mail.

It is not necessary to register for the test: the International Students Office will acquire the names of the students directly from the Universitaly website.

More information on the structure and topics of the test can be found at the link: Test italiano L2

Students who do not pass the test cannot enrol in any programme of this or other Italian universities.

Students who pass the test but are not awarded one of the available places for their programme can only enrol if a place becomes available; alternatively, they can apply to enrol in other degree programmes or be reassigned to other universities, provided places are available and subject to the conditions established by the appropriate academic authorities.

During online enrolment, students with qualifications obtained abroad have to submit electronically (thus, not in person) the following documents:

Bachelor or Single-cycle degree

Enrolment in a Bachelor or Single-cycle degree programme:

  • high school diploma, with translation in Italian by an official translator, legalized by the authorities of the country issuing the degree;
  • CIMEA Statements of Comparability and Verification (the list of the required documents is available here) or Dichiarazione di Valore in loco issued by the Italian Embassy in the country where the qualification was obtained. If your qualification has been obtained in one of the Countries that are signatories to the Lisbon Recognition Convention, the Statement of Correspondence processed through the ARDI platform, together with the Statement of Verification issued by CIMEA;
  • University enrolment certificate with the list of exams taken or post-secondary qualification obtained in a non-university higher institute or foundation course certificate if the local system contemplates less than 12 years of schooling;
  • academic suitability certificate if provided in the Country of origin;
  • any other documents certifying specific qualification requirements (e.g. APs for US qualifications, A-level for UK qualifications);
  • valid residence permit (only for non-EU citizens);
  • fiscal code;
  • identity document.

International Students - Welcome Desk

To book an appointment, visit Student Desks - Locations and opening hours.

If you have obtained your qualification abroad, please contact the International Students and Double Degree Programme Office’s Welcome Desk by opening a request on InformaStudenti, category International.


Master's degree

Enrolment in a two-year master's degree programme:

  • receipt of the admission fee payment;
  • high school diploma, with translation in Italian by an official translator, legalized by the authorities of the country issuing the degree;
  • Degree (Bachelor Sc. or equivalent), with translation in Italian by an official translator, legalized by the competent authorities of the Country issuing the degree;
  • CIMEA Statements of Comparability and Verification (the list of the required documents is available here) or Dichiarazione di Valore in loco issued by the Italian Embassy in the country where the qualification was obtained. If your qualification has been obtained in one of the Countries that are signatories to the Lisbon Recognition Convention, the Statement of Correspondence processed through the ARDI platform or the Diploma Supplement, together with the Statement of Verification issued by CIMEA;
  • copy of valid residence permit (only for non-EU citizens);
  • fiscal code;
  • identity document.

The high school diploma and university degree/certificates are also accepted in French, English, German and Spanish (unless otherwise indicated for individual programmes).

Non-EU students residing abroad 

In addition to these documents, non-EU students residing abroad have to deliver also:

  • receipt of the Universitaly pre-application;
  • request for a residence permit;
  • study Visa;
  • any certificates of competence in Italian.

The documents listed above, which have not been uploaded during online enrolment, must be sent through the Enrolment Documents Integration Service within 28 November.

Verification of the validity of qualifications obtained abroad is made upon delivery of official documents. Until then, candidates are admitted to programmes with reservations and may be excluded from the courses if they do not meet the requirements.