Registers of suppliers and professionals

Economic operators and professionals offering to carry out works for, or supply goods and services to, the University of Milan are duly registered.

The registers are updated regularly.

As required by the founding regulations of each register, applications for registration can be submitted throughout the year. New registrations will be entered upon updating the registers. For registration, please use the documents attached to each register, possibly updating the time reference. Register using the documents provided for your professional association, according to the respective regulations.


Via Festa del Perdono 7

For information on regular updates and registration procedures.

Public notice for the creation of lists of economic operators

The University has reorganized the registers of suppliers of goods, services and works according to new criteria, starting with the creation of three new lists as follows:

  • Suppliers of goods and services
  • Work suppliers
  • Professional engineering and architecture services

On 13 October 2020 the following were published:

  • A public notice for the establishment of lists of economic operators for the award of works, supplies and services (including architecture and engineering services) for amounts below EU thresholds (art. 36 of Legislative Decree 50 / 2016)
  • The new regulation for the establishment of the list of economic operators

The public notice and the online application form are available on the e-procurement platform.

The new list of contractors is valid as of 15 December 2020. The updated list of contractors approved by the University of Milan is available at the following Web address.

Public notice and online application

The application form must be submitted online through the e-procurement platform, where the public notice for the establishment of new lists is also available.

Other registers

Notice of 31 May 2024 – Important – Publication of a notice regarding the compilation of an open list of practitioners to support the activities of the Lodi Veterinary Hospital of the University if Milan and the University Farms Functional Centre (Cfaa).

A notice has just been published regarding the compilation of a new open list of practitioners for the assignment of veterinary services for the Lodi Veterinary Hospital of the University of Milan and the University Farms Functional Centre (Cfaa).

In order to apply, applicants must follow the instructions contained in the notice and fill out the forms downloadable from this page.

Applications may be submitted even if, at the time of submission, the applicant does not have all data required for inclusion in the list (e.g. Association of Veterinary Practitioners registration number, Veterinary Pension Fund registration number, VAT number), provided that the aforementioned requirements are met at the time of entrusting the service to the practitioner. 

Notice of 1 August 2023 – Important – Publication of notice for the compilation of a Register of veterinary technicians and laboratory technicians

A notice has just been published regarding the compilation of an open list of veterinary technicians and laboratory technicians to support the activities of the Lodi University Veterinary Hospital of the University if Milan.

Technicians not yet registered for VAT are also welcome to apply, but will have to obtain a VAT number before starting to provide the aforementioned services to the University of Milan.

In order to apply, applicants must follow the instructions contained in the notice published below and fill out the forms downloadable from this page.

Notice of 17 October 2023 – Important – Publication of a notice for the compilation of a register of animal production technicians

A notice has just been published regarding the compilation of an open list of animal production technicians for the Experimental Didactic Zootechnical Centre of the University of Milan in Lodi.

Technicians not yet registered for VAT are also welcome to apply, but will have to obtain a VAT number before starting to provide the aforementioned services to the University of Milan.

In order to apply, applicants must follow the instructions contained in the notice published below and fill out the forms downloadable from this page.

Avviso del 15 dicembre 2023 – Importante – Pubblicazione avviso per la predisposizione di un Albo per lo svolgimento delle attività di stallierato e mungitura

È stato pubblicato l’avviso per la predisposizione di un elenco aperto di soggetti l’affidamento delle attività di "stallierato e mungitura", da svolgersi presso il Polo Veterinario di Lodi dell’Università degli Studi di Milano.

Gli operatori interessati devono presentare domanda di iscrizione all’Albo, seguendo le indicazioni presenti nell’avviso pubblicato in calce e usando i moduli scaricabili presenti nella pagina.

The Board of Directors, in the session of 26 July 2022, has approved the establishment of an open register for the assignment of teaching and dissemination activities of the Chinese language within the courses organized by the Confucius Institute at the University of Milan. Applications for registration may be submitted in the manner indicated in the notice itself.

The Board of Directors has approved the formation of a register of translators and language editors for the assignment of translation and language editing services within specific disciplines, for amounts lower than the EU thresholds pursuant to art. 36 of Legislative Decree No. 50/2016.

Please note that applications for registration may be submitted in the first instance by the deadline of 31 May 2021, as set out in the regulation and the notice. However, it will always be possible to apply for registration at a later date.

The first publication of the register with the list of authorized providers will take place after June 2021.

The Board of Directors, in the session of April 28, 2023, has approved the establishment of an open register of archaeologists freelancer to support the archaeological activities of the Department of Cultural and Environmental Heritage.

Applications for registration may be submitted in the manner indicated in the notice itself. 

Albo Archeologi